If you encounter any error with "VCRUNTIME140.dll" / "MSVCP140.dll", please install the Visual C++ Redistributables:
For players with an x64 architecture : VC_redist.x64.exe
For players with an x32 architecture : VC_redist.x86.exe
If you are unsure about your PC's architecture, just install both!

Mega Setup.exe

No description

Mega Winrar

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Media Fire Winrar

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Media Fire Setup.exe

No description

System Requirements

Minimum Recommended
CPU 2.0 Ghz single core power 2.5 GHz single core power
Video Memory 2 GB 4 GB
Operating System Windows 7, 8/8.1 10, 11 Windows 7, 8/8.1 10, 11
Hard Drive Space 2.0 GB 5.0 GB
DirectX Version DirectX 8.0.C DirectX 8.0.C