Richest characters

Rank Character Gold Race Profession
1 BangusSilog 624 806 120 Ami Voyager
2 CaraDePomba 437 145 896 Lance Voyager
3 Cannibal 259 506 934 Carsise Crusader
4 S 257 714 341 Ami Seal Master
5 Ray 237 830 997 Lance Crusader
6 xCannabiZ 210 621 010 Lance Crusader
7 iKing 161 531 802 Lance Crusader
8 Gil 148 632 251 Phyllis Cleric
9 Smokeng 131 542 821 Lance Crusader
10 funnydave 125 362 626 Ami Voyager
11 SKIbidi 118 932 395 Lance Voyager
12 Darkin 109 018 535 Lance Crusader
13 °°Tengen°° 92 890 437 Lance Crusader
14 B28 85 380 000 Carsise Newbie
15 Waffle 79 470 995 Lance Crusader
16 xAlecia 79 422 265 Phyllis Seal Master
17 MADARA 77 078 509 Lance Sharpshooter
18 Faker 71 431 881 Phyllis Voyager
19 ··AspiraSS·· 66 707 800 Lance Sharpshooter
20 ElizabethSwann 64 183 052 Phyllis Sharpshooter
21 Jo 63 587 388 Phyllis Crusader
22 Ci 58 927 862 Lance Sharpshooter
23 Hu3 57 406 203 Lance Crusader
24 Sung xJinwoo 42 695 942 Lance Crusader
25 Z3r0PrIME 41 876 397 Lance Crusader
26 myth 41 227 927 Phyllis Crusader
27 EzRapaTuMai 38 942 673 Ami Seal Master
28 Lust 37 428 543 Phyllis Sharpshooter
29 Toddy 34 799 061 Lance Crusader
30 x•AstraL•x 31 679 994 Lance Voyager
31 Lily•Rose 31 376 319 Ami Cleric
32 OMG 30 194 932 Lance Crusader
33 Platinum 29 442 243 Lance Crusader
34 KaBooM 28 561 889 Ami Voyager
35 HeavenLeigh 27 505 865 Phyllis Sharpshooter
36 PuEblo 27 293 374 Phyllis Sharpshooter
37 ZedoCaroço 26 762 642 Lance Crusader
38 Nemesiz 26 120 934 Phyllis Sharpshooter
39 xStyle 26 052 517 Ami Cleric
40 Vitalli 25 428 614 Lance Crusader
41 Mo 25 238 492 Ami Voyager
42 Moon 25 134 832 Ami Cleric
43 ¥Link 23 318 120 Lance Crusader
44 Bullet 18 359 835 Lance Sharpshooter
45 Kai 18 314 426 Lance Crusader
46 Wylz 17 593 936 Lance Voyager
47 Culo 16 245 000 Phyllis Newbie
48 MDMA 15 174 442 Lance Crusader
49 ctrl 15 048 403 Lance Crusader
50 Small 14 950 143 Lance Crusader
51 T3 12 673 938 Lance Sharpshooter
52 Luci 12 595 625 Phyllis Sharpshooter
53 Wild 12 271 808 Lance Crusader
54 JS 10 557 457 Lance Crusader
55 Toro 10 383 937 Carsise Crusader
56 Kawaii 9 692 166 Ami Voyager
57 VOYvoy 8 950 367 Lance Voyager
58 PotronS 8 488 432 Lance Sharpshooter
59 TwoSoul 8 454 432 Lance Sharpshooter
60 SinKo 8 423 432 Lance Sharpshooter
61 SiX 8 355 514 Ami Voyager
62 °OZabuza 8 327 839 Lance Crusader
63 xBaby 7 925 493 Phyllis Seal Master
64 3BAG 7 900 432 Lance Sharpshooter
65 bungakertas 7 596 998 Phyllis Sharpshooter
66 WODSDSDS 6 536 000 Lance Voyager
67 123 5 940 136 Lance Sharpshooter
68 ServerIsDead 5 437 805 Lance Sharpshooter
69 DeadlyHollow 5 383 564 Lance Sharpshooter
70 Vogagito 5 243 907 Ami Voyager
71 Mathz 4 746 111 Lance Crusader
72 nocta 4 574 740 Lance Crusader
73 StyleGods 4 273 145 Lance Crusader
74 oCaraDePomBa 4 019 560 Lance Sharpshooter
75 Logger 3 879 342 Phyllis Sharpshooter
76 RevilOPGPZ 3 796 288 Ami Seal Master
77 Tryndamere 3 275 366 Lance Crusader
78 Sanja 2 885 406 Lance Sharpshooter
79 456 2 247 439 Carsise Champion
80 Xyxbi 1 911 467 Lance Voyager
81 Morganna 1 686 825 Ami Seal Master
82 PanTasher 1 609 061 Phyllis Sharpshooter
83 LOL0 1 604 000 Ami Newbie
84 L0LO 1 602 000 Ami Newbie
85 L0L0 1 602 000 Ami Newbie
86 LOIO 1 600 000 Ami Newbie
87 LOLO 1 584 000 Ami Newbie
88 farmindo2 1 539 041 Lance Voyager
89 Ruka 1 476 138 Ami Seal Master
90 Angel 1 397 800 Ami Newbie
91 Hitler 1 370 641 Lance Sharpshooter
92 Pirat 1 358 492 Lance Voyager
93 Ravena 1 288 100 Ami Seal Master
94 Prota 1 203 108 Ami Seal Master
95 Tranks 1 063 856 Lance Crusader
96 rev 1 055 697 Ami Cleric
97 BabyDragon3 1 051 858 Phyllis Newbie
98 Badboy 1 022 251 Lance Crusader
99 BabyDragon1 1 001 858 Phyllis Newbie
100 2 892 505 Ami Newbie

The rating of the richest characters is based on the amount of their gold. In this rating participate 100 characters. The rating is updated once a 3 hours.